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Minimum Award $1,000
Number of Awards 1

The Rozenski, the Brown, and the Salamone families are all believers in education and that education continues for a lifetime. Arthur Kibbe Brown graduated from Herbert Hoover High School in southern California. After his service in WWII, he settled in Fife to raise a family. After working all day, he would spend time checking his daughter’s math homework, and he would also provide opportunities for his daughter to think and to expand her knowledge. He provided this type of continuing educational support for his grandsons. Helen Rozenski Brown graduated from Fife High School. Helen worked in business as an accountant, an outside salesperson, and a store manager. She continued to develop new skills her entire life and passed that desire to learn on to both her daughter and her grandsons. William Anthony Salamone, their grandson, also graduated from Fife High School. He struggled academically, but he also had that desire to learn new skills. He died at the age of 26 and was just beginning to see the value of his education. He balanced his till every night to the penny and he was able to create schedules for others. This scholarship was created to help someone develop the skills and the passion to support students who receive special education services.

  • Applicants must be a senior graduating from Fife High School.

  • Applicants must have an interest in Special Education or have been influenced by Special Education.

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